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Neighborhoods to avoid in Naples, italy
neighborhoods to avoid in Naples, italy
Neighborhoods to avoid in Naples, italy

It is important that people know the places to avoid while visiting Naples. Most people would like to tour Naples Italy and have a good time in various hotels. However, not all places are safe and hence people should be aware of this. This will help one to avoid many dangerous and enjoy their visit. People are advised to know these places before making a booking for any vacation. Most hotels provide the tourists with a beautiful view, but some places need to be avoided such as parks at night. Tourists should also be careful and have car insurances. Car insurances ensure that you are compensated as car injuries are common in Naples.

The most dangerous place in Naples where cars encounter injuries is the Amalfi coast. In Naples tours, individuals are also warned about robbers who ride on motorcycles. Some Naples abusive taxi rides are also dangerous, and one should take caution. In Naples Italy, luggage is often stolen from the train. One should, therefore, take good care of their luggage. Another dangerous zone is Piazza Garibaldi. This place is seedy especially at night. There are many cases where people get pick pocketed at this place. We also have many business men at this place selling fake items.

Another dangerous neighbourhood to be avoided by tourists is forcella at night. Tourists should also be cautious and avoid visiting pappacoda. This region has funerary monuments of the pappacodas. Tourists should also be aware that naples is hilly. It is advisable to consult with the locals who will guide you on how to walk up the hills. Among the hilly places, we have Capodimonte

The cabbies are also known to bring tourists in safety areas. Another neighborhood to avoid is south. Visitors who tour Naples should also know that Naples have some dirty places. It is common to visit some areas and find garbage in Oriental neighborhoods like Ponticelli o Casoria. Fortunately these neighborhoods are far from the center

In case you have to walk along the streets while going to a hotel or other places, you should hold your bag well especially at night in the alleys. In this case we raccomand you to take a taxy. There is a likelihood of having your bag snatched when you are not careful.

Most places are also termed dangerous at night such as via marina and scampia. Tourists should also take caution while visiting Corso Garibaldi. Through following these guidelines, one will enjoy their visit to Naples.

If you have any queries feel free to contact our bed and breakfast.

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